Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Having idly and horlicks in nesara

Feels good to be back. Felt great after eating idly after three full months.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Agnes bought chocolates

These are the chocolates that Agnes brought from Hungary ... Very unusual taste but very yummy!

chocolate shopping

shopped these chocolates so that I can put on some lost weight.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010

My chocolate cappuccino

Prepared myself a glass of cappuccino after fighting through -- and finally finishing -- a very boring-obscurely-written recent nature paper on community detection in a social network :-((

Cappuccino was more rewarding than the paper...

Friday, August 6, 2010

yet another beautiful sunset :-) too good ala?

super dinner...

Pasta egg and sauce... this was probably the best self-made dish ever :-) was too tasty.. except that it became very spicy ... had to consume gallons of water with my tongue dancing :-((

Agnes shopping meat

che che, obba brahmanana jothe shopping bandhu meat shop madidhre noorondu paapa baruthe !!!!!

Agnes and kobourov


Kobourov gave an amazing talk about networks and visualisation. He is "the" speaker. He knew very well what would interest the audience and what wouldn't . He didnt' speak about all the things that interests him, he spoke about things that would interest the novice audience.. Way to go Kobourov.

Agnes is discussing about clustering after the talk with Kobourov....

beautiful sunset...

looks much better than what the photo says :-)

from the 11th floor

This is where I stay. View from my 11th floor. The beautiful football ground where smooching happens more than sporting :-). You can see the rain droplets on my window pane . . . This would have been a great pic with a good cam :-)

kesari bath

costed me 150 rupees for a slice of kesari bath. It had a ton of oil on it. :-( mtr ready made food is in no way equivalent to what mummy does. Mom is so good at making kesari bath :-( miss you mom! :-((